Sovereign hill diaramas

In this unit we have been learning about the gold rush era. It has been a really fun unit and I really enjoyed learning about the Eureka stockade. Learning about it was really fun and I can’t wait for the year 4s to do it too! I definitely used courage when things did not work the way I wanted it to. Sometimes we had to improvise when we didn’t have some things. The Hope Bakery ended up pretty good even though we did not have that much stuff inside. We decided to skip the veranda because it did not work properly. 

Sometimes I would have to get my partner to concentrate but most of the time he was ok. It was really fun considering that it was our first time. My partner was very helpful and always was willing to help, I’m glad I had a partner that committed and helped. We worked well together because we understood what each other wanted and made sure that we both had an opinion. We listened to each other and we both ended up having a part.

We made sure that the building was finished in time and had all kinds of details. It ended up looking great, with the help of our new teacher Miss Dube we managed to finish on time. When I went to see the other buildings I was surprised because they looked so good. 

Learning about the gold rush era was super fun and interesting, I might want to learn more about it. It was really fun and I enjoyed going to Sovereign Hill and pretending to be an 1850 child! I would definitely want to go back again. With the diaramas we also had to program a Sphero and make it go around the whole road, it even had to cross the bridge.


Every group put together a bit of information on their building then we put it on a shared document that everyone else could access, then we used the information and programmed Sphero to say it. It was really fun.

One afternoon some parents came in to see what we’ve been doing, we showed them Sphero going around the diarama and our newspaper articles. It was really fun showing my mum what I did! I hope that the year 4s enjoy this experience as much as I did! So year 4s this is what you’ve been waiting for your whole life! It’s really fun!

Would you like to make a diarama?

Can you tell which building is which?

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