Yeat 5 Production


The year 5 puduction this year was Hanging Onto The Bottom Of The World. The play was based on Australian history. The scenes weren’t real but they were based on what actually happened. Like in one of the scenes when the brides were on Western Australia was late because in real life Western Australia had the biggest land and didn’t want to share it. And in the cricket scene Henry Parks died and that’s what actually happened, he died before federation. 


The year 5 production was really fun and a great experience. As a tea lady I had to pay attention to what was going on because I had to come in at many different times. I had to give out real sandwiches, but the tea we gave out was fake, we just had cups and pretended that there was tea inside. At the start we were first on stage and had to talk to the audience. After our scene we had many other scenes were we were on, like Captain Cook and Governor Philip with the first fleet, as well the scene with the suffrages. 

We had 2 tea trollies, lots of cups and plates with sandwiches. Mable and I had feather dusters to dust peoples shoulders and other stuff. We gave people cups and sandwiches, we also gave cups to the cast during different scenes. We gave 

sandwiches to the sweepers during other scenes. Tea ladies were in a lot of scenes so we had to be prepared to come on.

The year 5 production took lots of practise to make it perfect but it turned out really well and we all had the best experience ever. We each got our characters and had to try to step into that characters shoes, it was really fun being someone else and experiencing what it was like during that time. It was a good play because it helps you learn something and there were some funny jokes that made it even more fun and exciting.


Have you ever been in a play or experienced something like it?     


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